5 Questions to Ask for Mobile Compatible Website
Jason Spero, Vice President of Google Global Performance Solutions, summed up the general information for businesses that couldn’t recognize the importance of the mobile-friendly website:
We know that more than half of web traffic comes from mobile. (1) Despite these numbers, mobile conversion rates are lower than desktop. (2)
Reason? The research doesn’t know that many CEOs don’t care about the mobile world properly because their current mobile strategies don’t work and possibly cost the company a loss of customers. People who have a negative experience on a mobile-friendly website are 62% less likely to buy from this brand in the future than if they have a positive experience. (3) – no matter how beautiful or data-driven marketing campaigns.
Five years ago, I told companies that it is essential to have a mobile-friendly website to make money. Now, a mobile-friendly website is not enough – it should be fast and provide a simple yet challenging user experience.

Here are five questions to guide you in embedding mobile-friendly web design at the heart of your company’s digital transformation:
Is mobile strategy a company-wide priority?
It is not enough to assign a team to manage your mobile strategy. It should be everyone’s responsibility to improve the customer experience. Executive leadership needs to invest in the right technologies and participate throughout the organization. Marketing and analytics teams must continually measure and optimize for new revenue opportunities. Developers need to speed up the latest mobile development tools and techniques. Designers must be familiar with mobile UX best practices and work closely with developers to create the best possible experience.
Does your website speed up performance?
An average mobile-friendly webpage takes 15.3 seconds to fully load, and if a mobile website takes more than three seconds to load, more than half of the visits are canceled. (4) In the retail field, we see that a one second delay in mobile load times can affect the conversion rate of up to 20%. (5) If you don’t have a team aimed at optimizing your customers’ experience, you can get your customers to competitors faster. Fast pages load under one second. Test My Site, our mobile speed test tool, can help you compare your mobile site performance and let you know where you are having problems.
Are you using the right solutions?
Optimizing old systems can tire your team and waste time. Modern web technologies, such as Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and Progressive Web Apps (PWA), allow you to create attractive sites that look good and load instantly on any platform. Both technologies help improve the user experience, and neither requires special skills.
Modern mobile technology can also alleviate another barrier – the payment transaction. Usually a lot of text input is required in mobile shopping carts. Simplifying the payment process using platforms like Google Pay can help you streamline and increase conversions. The closer you are to the one-click purchasing experience, the better.
Do You Always Test?
The only way to know what your customers really want is to give them multiple choices and see what performs better over time. Continuous A / B testing is the hallmark of almost every successful internet company. For example, Booking.com runs a thousand A / B tests every day, and Amazon changes prices by more than 2.5 million per day.
Do you think like a customer?
Nothing can replace the practical exam under real-life conditions. Not everyone has access to a fast 4G LTE or even 5G connection, and speeds vary depending on location and other factors. Your team should frequently test your mobile website for stress and record the results.
Experiencing the site as your customers do will reveal its pain points much more effectively than just looking for data. Then ask your team: Is this what customers really want? If not, it’s time for change.
With more options than ever before, people demand a fast and smooth mobile experience. By keeping up with these principles and investing where it matters, be sure to meet customer expectations – and your mobile growth goals.
1 Google Analytics Data, U.S., Q1 2016.
2 Google Data, U.S., Aggregated, anonymized data from Google Analytics for U.S. retailers, April 2016.
3 Google/Purchased, U.S., “How Brand Experiences Inspire Consumer Action,” n=2010 U.S. smartphone owners 18+, brand experiences=17,726, April 2017.
4 Google Data, Global, n=3,700 aggregated, anonymized Google Analytics data from a sample of mWeb sites opted into sharing benchmark data, March 2016.
5 Akamai, U.S., “New Findings: The State of Online Retail Performance,” 2017.